New "Stuff" in Aspen HYSYS V10
There are plenty of upgrades for HYSYS for which i’m jealous as you might know I’m a fan of Aspen Plus.
Although I still use HYSYS for certain types of simulations, so that’s why it is important to know what’s new and what new features are in the new version 🙂

Main Updates & Features
Aspen HYSYS V10 includes new features and enhancements in the following areas:
New Equation Oriented (EO) Sub-Flowsheet and Modeling Capabilities
BLOWDOWN Technology Improvements
HYSYS Petroleum Refining Improvements
Aspen Assay Management Improvements
Plant Data
Gas Plant Modeling
Sulsim Improvements
Pipeline Hydraulics Improvements
Column Analysis Improvements
HYSYS Properties Improvements
Safety Analysis Improvements
Integration with ABE Datasheets
EDR Integration Improvements
General HYSYS Improvements
HYSYS Dynamics Enhancements
General HYSYS Improvements
New Model Palette
Finally, a better Model Palette! It is now easier to organize in categories 🙂
Two different viewing options:
Text View, which displays the icon, name, and description for each unit operation.
Grid View, which displays only the icon for each unit operation. You can hover over a unit operation to view the associated tooltip.
A new search functionality.
Eight categories:
all, dynamics, external models, heat, manipulator, piping, reactor, separatos)

Other Enhancements:
Screw Compressor Enhancements
A new Performance curve calculation is available on the
Volumetric Flow vs. Pressure
New Leakage flow calculations
Control Slide Valve found in most compressors in the industry. When you select this check box, the Slide Valve Characteristics table allows you to model the relationship between the Current Slide Valve Position and the Capacity Load %.
Case Study Enhancements
- Small detail: You can now edit the Units for each variable in the Case Study.
HYSYS Dynamics Enhancements
- HYSYS PID algorithm implements a two degrees of freedom PID Controller via setpoint weighting
- Low Limit for the controller OP can now be specified to be less than 0%.
- A new Scale PV after applying the gain option for scaling the input signal in Transfer Function Blocks was implemented.

New EO Sub-Flowsheet!
This is great news for all of you guys using sub-flowsheeting. Aspen HYSYS has been updated for a New EO startegy (EO = Equation Oritented Technology)
- Improved Performance and Convergence
Separators, 3-Phase Separators, and Tanks
Heat Exchangers
Control Valves
EO Measurement Operations
LNG Exchangers
EO Calculators
And more importanly, Column blocks:
Distillation Columns
Refluxed Absorber Columns
Component Splitters
Absorber Columns
Reboiled Absorber Columns
Three Phase Distillation Columns
Liquid-Liquid Extractors

Ability to Easily Validate Equation Oriented Input
EO Calculator and EO Measurement Operation
Easy Conversion from SM to EO
Ability to Easily Validate Equation Oriented Input
Equation Oriented Tab
You can use the buttons in the EO Configuration group:

Some of the features;
Set initial values for a/all of the EO variables within the EO Sub-Flowsheet.
Add objective functions
Manage and define EO Specification Groups for all EO variables.
Create & assign scripts
- Add user connections to the flowsheet.
Configure your model with plant measurements.
Specify equation oriented options.
Create aliases, which are user-defined alternate names for EO variables.
HYSYS Petroleum Refining Improvements
New Refining Short-Cut Column
- NEW Refining Short-Cut Column, which replaces the Petroleum Distillation Column.
Reactor Enhancements
- A Calibration tab is now included in:
- Hydroprocessor Bed.
- Isomerization Unit.
The Catalytic Reformer includes a new Molecule-Based transition method.
HYSYS provides three default feed types supported by literature and KMT for this method:
Coker Naphtha
Hydrocracker Naphtha

General Refining Enhancements
General improvements:
- Blending rules for:
- Mass Blend, Mole Blend, and Volume Blend
- HYSYS now offers five mixing rules for user properties.
- The Optimization tab of the Product Blender now includes a Set Default Scale button.
Aspen Assay Management Improvements
Molecular Characterization Enhancements
- Detailed molecular-level data obtained using advanced analytical techniques, such as GC-ToF and FT-ICR-MS
Identify the molecules and measure their compositions.
Identify compound classes (or types), double bond equivalent (DBE) distribution and carbon number distribution.
New Aspen Report Setup Wizard
- New Aspen Report Setup Wizard, accessible from the Generate Report button on the Assay Management ribbon tab
Improved Aspen Assay Management Converter
AspenTech Format Excel File Provided to Simplify Assay Data Import
- Finally! Sharing Assay data via spreadsheets will no longer be a pin in the A$$!
Pipeline Hydraulics Improvements
Multi-Phase Flow Correlation
- NEW: Tulsa Unified Model (3-Phase) correlation is now available:
Since Aspen Hydraulics in Steady State mode is no longer limited to two-phase flows, streams now report aqueous data.
New Hydraulics Unit Operations: Compressor and Pump
The Aspen Hydraulics Sub-Flowsheet now includes two new unit operations, allowing you to model pressure increases in your pipeline (FINALLY)
Aspen Hydraulics Compressor
Aspen Hydraulics Pump
Improved Workflow for Setting up the Steady State Network (Boundary Nodes)
Aspen Hydraulics Compressor
Aspen Hydraulics Pump
Column Analysis Improvements
Two main features:
Downcomer Choke Flood
- New downcomer choke flood correlation for trayed columns.
- Choke flooding on certain trays reduces the capacity and efficiency of the trays and other trays in the immediate vicinity
Improved Range for Side Downcomer Width
- New limitation restrictions for the downcomer dimensions:
1-pass trays: 0.025D to 0.4D
2-and-3-pass trays: 0.025D to 0.25D
4-pass trays: 0.025D to 0.2D

Improvements in HYSYS Properties
Similar as with Aspen Plus V10 update, you can now get new databanks!
- HYSYS V10 includes a new IAPWS-IF97 property package, which uses the IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 correlation for thermodynamic properties of water and steam
Properties Enhancements
- Bubble Point Pressure is now available as a correlation in both: the Stream and in the Workbook.
- ASTM D6377-16 correlation is now available under the RVP correlation type on the Correlation Manager
The following Methods are now available for the Flash Point correlation:
- HYSYS now uses the Free-Water phase Property Method (generally, the Steam Table method) to calculate aqueous phase properties
EDR Integration Improvements
Plate Exchanger Available in HYSYS
- New Plate Exchanger unit operation, which solves heat and material balances for two stream plate heat exchangers
Rigorous CoilWound Heat Exchangers
- NEW: optional EDR- CoilWound rating method that can be selected on the Design tab | Parameters page of the LNG Exchanger.
New Find Fouling Mode
- The Rigorous Shell&Tube Heat Exchanger includes a new Find Fouling calculation mode.

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