This time I’m with Daniel Bermudez, a great friend of mine from University. We suffered lots of courses such as Heat Transfer and Momentum Transport. He is one of th ebrightest minds I have ever met!
We had a chat about his life, essentially his background and profile. He has been working in Business Consulting, mostly in the Energy Sector i.e. Oil&Gas, Green Energies, etc…
He shares also tips to climb this rough corporate ladder since this is one of the must intense & lucrative careers that chemical engineers follow.
Finally, we talked about the energy and environmental crisis that our world is facing.
I hope you enjoy! I did a lot!
Content Index
- 00:00 Start
- 1:00 Guest Introduction
- 07:30 ChemE and Consulting
- 12:15 Father’s Will
- 13:10 Process vs. Office
- 15:50 Process vs. Business Consulting First
- 20:00 Finance vs. ChemE’s
- 22:40 Junior Analyst Description in BC
- 25:50 Gut Feeling in BC
- 28:00 Intelligence and IQ
- 34:40 Selling Skills
- 37:15 Becoming Manager Partner
- 41:50 Work ambient
- 43:18 Why Growth & Profit Consulting
- 47:10 Work in GPC
- 50:35 SBC Schlumberger Business Consulting
- 56:40 Moving from Monterrey to Mexico City
- 58:17 SBC levels: Jr, Sr, Manager
- 1:03:00 Change to Ernst & Young
- 1:05:40 Negotiation of Salary
- 1:11:00 Working at E&Y
- 1:15:50 Outlook & Softskills
- 1:19:00 E&Y not in Oil & Gas
- 1:20:30 Work at Wood and Mackenzie
- 1:21:15 Sunglass Industry
- 1:30:50 Feeling Guilty for Oil and Gas
- 1:33:25 Overkill in the BC Industry
- 1:39:25 MBA or Not?
- 1:43:40 Changing Jobs
- 1:46:15 Future of Daniel
- 1:48:10 Q&A
- 2:14:10 Closure
Show Notes
Relevant notes, links, courses, e-books, reference material, or really anything mentioned in the episode.
Guest Bio & Contact Information

- Daniel Bermudez
Current Profession & Industry:
- Manager Business Consultant @Wood Mackenzie
- Location: Mexico City, Mexico.
- Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering at ITESM. Monterrey, Mexico
Professional Background:
- Junior Analyst @Growth and Profit Consulting
- Senior Analyst @Accenture / Schlumberger Business Consulting
- Strategy Manager @Ernst&Young
- Manager Consultant @Wodd Makenzie
Contact Information:
Host Bio
I’m Emmanuel Ortega a.k.a. THE Chemical Engineering Guy!
I create educational content related to Chemical & Process Engineering for students and engineers!
I am a 2012 Chemical Engineer Graduate from Tec de Monterrey in Mexico. My expertise is essentially Petrochemical, Polymer and Textile industries in either simulation, process design and process control.
For more information, please read the about page.

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