Content Index
- 00:00 Start
- 01:50 Guest Introduction
- 02:05 Why going to ChemE
- 6:20 1st Co-Op as Process Design Engineer at Cargill
- 9:20 2nd Internship at Flint Hills
- 10:55 Tips for Career Fairs
- 14:25 About Good Impressions
- 18:05 Changing to Hudrocarbon Systems
- 19:30 Naphtha Treating
- 21:57 Oil and Gas Industry as a Job
- 25:20 O&G to Food Industry
- 28:50 Going to California for the Food Industry
- 31:52 Ampak Pharma Materials
- 35:20 Honewell Job Transition
- 37:44 Technical Sales, what is it?
- 41:00 Boring parts of the Job vs. Interesting and Exciting Experiences
- 46:40 Automotive and going to MSc in Electrical Engineering
- 49:20 Job and CV tips
- 51:10 Quick Q&A
- 1:05:50 Closure
Show Clips
Some video clips for you to preview the episode.
- N/A
Show Notes
Relevant notes, links, courses, e-books, reference material, or really anything mentioned in the episode.
- Honeywell Interns Video
Guest Bio & Contact Information

- Alec Slungaard
Current Profession & Industry:
- Position: Technical Support Specialist at Honeywell
- Location: Greater Chicago Area, USA
- Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering at University of Wisconsin Madison
Professional Background:
- Process Design Engineer at Cargill
- Operations Engineer at Flint Hills Resources
- Plant Engineer at SK Food Group
- Process Engineer at AMPAC Fine Chemicals
- Technical Sales Specialist at Honeywell
Contact Information:
Host Bio
I’m Emmanuel Ortega a.k.a. THE Chemical Engineering Guy!
I create educational content related to Chemical & Process Engineering for students and engineers!
I am a 2012 Chemical Engineer Graduate from Tec de Monterrey in Mexico. My expertise is essentially Petrochemical, Polymer and Textile industries in either simulation, process design and process control.
For more information, please read the about page.

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