2020 was… CRAZY, lets be honest… It was a great year for some, an “ok” year for others… but most likely a shitty year for many of us! We had to change our modus operandi for work, life, relationships, friendships, hell! even normal stuff such as going to the supermarket changed a lot!
Still, I’m grateful that I achieved many things in this year, some of which were in this list, other were not… In the other hand, I missed a LOT of goals for this 2020. The main issue? COVID? Not really, just procrastination, working at home and the NEW Podcast… Which took longer than expected. It actually takes longer than expected hehe…
Anyways, let’s check out the year.
Create more Courses!
The main goal was:
My promise – at least 6 Courses of the following topics:
And I ONLY created 2 courses, not even a 3rd one which was a “shorter version of the an intro course to Mass Transfer.
I can’t believe that 2020 was actually my LEAST productive year with respect to courses. Only 2x:

I will be creating at least 2 more courses… To be honest to myself, creating a total of 6 courses in this year will not be feasible 🙁
Wow… not even those 2 were achievable! The Podcast consumed a lot of my work!
Achieve these milestones

- 50K YouTube Subscribers [FAILED] – Started the year with 35K subs now I have 47, an approx. growth of 1K/month. I can’t believe that I got 3K shorter! Anyways, This must be due to the lack of content of the NEW courses, even though I gotta admit that the Podcast Videos helped me a lot to reach more ppl out there! According to SocialBlade, it will take between 2 – 4 months to achieve 50K, I hope it only takes 2 months really!
- 5K Newsletter Subscribers [50%FAIL]- This is a 50-50% Result. I have a 3.8K list, as I removed/cleaned my list regularly, to be honest, a Mailing List is like Yeast. You can feed it, but if you neglect it, it will decay. That’s what happen to me, I avoided to “clean” my list, but the Reduction in my “Open Rate” was notable. I gotta ensure to keep a healthy subscriber list with valuable content for you guys!
- 3x Website Traffic [FAILED] – Status quo of my website was 3K per month. To be honest, it is REALLY hard to increase traffic to the website. Although I should have posted more blog posts (see below) and more posting in Social Media… It is pretty hard to get “loyal”traffic, that is, traffic that will go back and check for the content! I’m now currently between 4K-5K per Month. It is a 30-45% growth, but not the 3x expected! I gotta be honest that I was not that realistic… Or may be its ok to dream? Who knows!
Post more on my Blog
That makes 52 posts per year!
Not really going to make it! So far I have posted about 2-3 posts per month, a total of 20 posts in the year, so most likely I will end up with 30-40 posts.
I posted a total of 36 posts…. To be honest, this was entirely possible, it is just PROCRASTINATION on my behalf! Therefore, I will need to post 100 posts next year! (I will be posting my future 2021 goals soon!)

Write Two E-Books

The promise – 2 e-Books:
Not really dedicated the time nor the interest… I like the idea of having e-books, but I don’t like the idea of “doing them” I just don’t feel that motivated as I did with the Podcast…
Hopefully I get at least 1 E-book for next year!
More Instagram!
I will also try to increase my Instagram activity. Specially Instagram Stories + Posts. Let it be: 52 posts + 12 stories!
I clearly have added more than 12 stories per week in the las 3 months… But the blog posts… Are hard to get! I don’t want to spam that social media. I know IG is really used to “enjoy” and not to be educated so let’s see what I end up doing next year!
Increase Membership in Groups
As you may know, I have created several groups in order to create communities related to chemical engineering. These are:
- Aspen Plus & HYSYS Forum – Facebook Group: Goal – From 4.4K members to 8K
- Aspen Plus & HYSYS – Q&A Support and Forum – (Unofficial) Goal – From 115 Members to 1000.
Aspen Plus & HYSYS Forum Facebook Group has now 7.8K members (only 200 left!)
The LinkedIn group failed tremendously, it has now only 550 members! Very far away from what I expected!
I guess I gotta do more LinkedIn Posting related to the Aspen Plus & HYSYS topics! Nice to get many ideas for 2021 Goals!
Start a Patreon!
Well, this is truly a [FAILED] Idea.
To be honest, Its pretty hard for me to figure out something that I can “patronize” for you guys… I will keep an open mind, but not really sure if I want to commit to this… What are your thoughts?

This is one of my BIGGEST projects so far. It took a lot of time, interviews, messing around with the editions software as well as with the audio of my guests, but we are all setup!
I’m truly happy about the podcast AND about the content. Its something that really motivates me as it is fun to do and lots of you really have sent me great feedback so far!
Links: Anchor, Apple Podcast, Spotify.
So far we have 9 episodes and most likely going to end up with 10 episodes this 2020!
So this is how 2020 ended up!
Lots of FAILURE, which I love to see in the sake of –> AVOIDING PROCRASTINATION.
I love that there is LOTS of things to do! And I also have two main ideas:
- I gotta work MORE and…
- I gotta be more realistic with my goals!
What do you think guys?
I will be posting my 2021 Goals pretty soon! To be honest, lots of changes are coming! I hope you enjoy them!
In the meantime, have a Great NEW YEARS EVE and an Awesome NEW YEAR 2021!
Best of lucks!