Issuing your Certificate of Completion – Certificate of Graduation

Certificate of Completion are possible in Chemical Engineering Guy Courses! 

I know lots of you guys that need certifications or want to add extra value to your skills! You can prove them with this Certificate of Completion.

This post will guide you through your adventure of the certification!

Check out the video here:

Instructions - Issue your Certificate:

A certificate of completion, as the name implies, requires you to complete the 100% of the course content. This requires: watching all video lectures, written lectures, text lectures, audio lectures, images, pdf, and so on. You can always mark as completed whenever done!

If you haven’t finished the course, you will need to ensure to get a 100%. The bar can be seen on the top left as shown next. Also, if you have some lectures which are not completed, ensure to click on the “complete and continue” button marked next:

As stated, ensure to “check mark” the lectures, click “complete and continue” the incomplete lectures!

Click on the last lecture, you should get the 100% completion.

You should get the 100% completion bar completed. And your Certificate will be issued automatically. For the first time, you will get this “congratulations” animation.

You can always access your certificate of completion/graduation on the left panel. You will need to select “Certificate”.

Important Notes:

  • If you need to change your legal name, just let me know to fix it!
  • If you want to update the date of completion, let me know!
  • Ensure to have a certificate with the Unique Serial Number.

I hope you got value from this post! Ensure to share with your friends and colleagues if you think they might find it useful!

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