

I prepared this page for you guys!

I want you to feel relaxed, so I added two clips from my pilot episodes.

One is “audio only” and the second one is “video format”.

The content is pretty similar:

  • Introduction (what do you do, when, where, how, etc…)
  • Questions related to your profile (job, university, experience)
  • “Quick” questions on random facts or tips for engineers
  • Conclusion & Good-bye

Nothing formal, nothing complex!


Audio Only

In this clip, we get directly to the “quick questions”. They are simple questions related to student or professional life.

Only a picture/photo is added as well as the Audiogram. 

Interview with Raul Jimenez:

  • Former Planning Engineer
  • Current Gastro-entrepreneur.

Video Format

This is one of my favorite formats, as you can either hear it or watch it. It also has much more interactions as we are physically present, but it is now hard to get to this nowaways!

Interview with Daniel Garza:

  • Brewer Engineer
  • Craft beer enthusiast & consultant


Do you want to be part of the show?

If you fit the profile, join the show! Click here and I will contact you ASAP!

If you just want to get a notification of when the podcast launch and when we get new episodes on air, subscribe to get the news FIRST!

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